d(*): Material Parameters

\(\begin{array}{rll} \hline \textrm{Parameter} & \textrm{Name} & \textrm{Description} \\ \hline 1 & E & \textrm{Young's modulus} \\ 2 & \nu & \textrm{Poisson ratio} \\ 3 & \alpha & \textrm{Thermal expansion coefficient} \\ 4 & \rho & \textrm{Mass density} \\ 5 & - & \textrm{Quadrature order for arrays} \\ 6 & - & \textrm{Quadrature order for outputs} \\ 7 & a & \textrm{Mass interpolation} (a = 0: \textrm{Diagonal}; a = 1: \textrm{Consistent})\\ 8 & q & \textrm{Loading intensity (plates/shells)} \\ 9 & T_0 & \textrm{Stress free reference temperature} \\ 10 & \kappa & \textrm{Shear factor (plates/shells/beams)} \\ 11 & b_1 & \textrm{Body force/volume in 1-directions} \\ 12 & b_2 & \textrm{Body force/volume in 2-directions} \\ 13 & b_3 & \textrm{Body force/volume in 3-directions} \\ 14 & h & \textrm{Thickness (plates/shells)} \\ 15 & \texttt{nh1} & \textrm{History variable counter} \\ 16 & \texttt{stype} & \textrm{Two dimensional type: 1 - plane stress; 2 - plane strain; 3 - axisymmetric} \\ 17 & \texttt{etype} & \textrm{Element formulation: 1 - displ; 2 - mixed; 3 - enhanced} \\ 18 & \texttt{dtype} & \textrm{Deformation type: <0 - finite; >0 - small} \\ 19 & \texttt{tdof} & \textrm{Thermal degree-of-freedom} \\ 20 & \texttt{imat} & \textrm{Non-linear elastic material type} \\ 21 & d_{11} & \textrm{Material moduli} \\ 22 & d_{22} & \textrm{Material moduli} \\ 23 & d_{33} & \textrm{Material moduli} \\ 24 & d_{12} & \textrm{Material moduli} \\ 25 & d_{23} & \textrm{Material moduli} \\ 26 & d_{31} & \textrm{Material moduli} \\ 27 & g_{12} & \textrm{Material moduli} \\ 28 & g_{23} & \textrm{Material moduli} \\ 29 & g_{31} & \textrm{Material moduli} \\ 30 & C & \textrm{Fung pseudo elastic model modulus} \\ 31 & \psi & \textrm{Orthotropic angle} x_1 \textrm{principal axis 1} \\ 32 & A & \textrm{Area cross section (beam/truss)} \\ 33 & I_{11} & \textrm{Inertia cross section (beam/truss)} \\ 34 & I_{22} & \textrm{Inertia cross section (beam/truss)} \\ 35 & I_{12} & \textrm{Inertia cross section (beam/truss)} \\ 36 & J & \textrm{Polar inertia cross section (beam/truss)} \\ 37 & \kappa_1 & \textrm{Shear factor plate} \\ 38 & \kappa_2 & \textrm{Shear factor plate} \\ 39 & - & \textrm{Non-linear flag (beam/truss)} \\ 40 & - & \textrm{Inelastic material model type} \\ 41 & Y_0 & \textrm{Initial yield stress (Mises)} \\ 42 & Y_{\infty} & \textrm{Final yield stress (Mises)} \\ 43 & \beta & \textrm{Exponential hardening rate} \\ 44 & H_{iso} & \textrm{Isotropic hardening modulus (linear)} \\ 45 & H_{kin} & \textrm{Kinematic hardening modulus (linear)} \\ 46 & - & \textrm{Yield flag} \\ 47 & \beta_1 & \textrm{Orthotropic thermal stress} \\ 48 & \beta_2 & \textrm{Orthotropic thermal stress} \\ 49 & \beta_3 & \textrm{Orthotropic thermal stress} \\ 50 & - & \textrm{Error estimator parameter} \\ 51 & \nu_1 & \textrm{Viscoelastic shear parameter} \\ 52 & \tau_1 & \textrm{Viscoelastic relaxation time} \\ 53 & \nu_2 & \textrm{Viscoelastic shear parameter} \\ 54 & \tau_2 & \textrm{Viscoelastic relaxation time} \\ 55 & \nu_3 & \textrm{Viscoelastic shear parameter} \\ 56 & \tau_3 & \textrm{Viscoelastic relaxation time} \\ 57 & \texttt{nvis} & \textrm{Number of viscoelastic terms (1-3)} \\ 58 & - & \textrm{Damage limit} \\ 59 & - & \textrm{Damage rate} \\ 60 & k & \textrm{Penalty parameter} \\ 61 & K_1 & \textrm{Fourier thermal conductivity} \\ 62 & K_2 & \textrm{Fourier thermal conductivity} \\ 63 & K_3 & \textrm{Fourier thermal conductivity} \\ 64 & c & \textrm{Fourier specific heat} \\ 65 & \omega & \textrm{Angular velocity} \\ 66 & Q & \textrm{Body heat} \\ 67 & - & \textrm{Heat constitution added indicator} \\ 68 & - & \textrm{Follower loading indicator} \\ 69 & - & \textrm{Rotational mass factor} \\ 70 & - & \textrm{Damping factor} \\ 71 & g_1 & \textrm{Ground acceleration factor} \\ 72 & g_2 & \textrm{Ground acceleration factor} \\ 73 & g_3 & \textrm{Ground acceleration factor} \\ 74 & p_1 & \textrm{Ground acceleration proportional load number} \\ 75 & p_2 & \textrm{Ground acceleration proportional load number} \\ 76 & p_3 & \textrm{Ground acceleration proportional load number} \\ 77 & a_0 & \textrm{Rayleigh damping mass ratio} \\ 78 & a_1 & \textrm{Rayleigh damping stiffness ratio} \\ 79 & - & \textrm{Plate/Shell/Rod shear activation flag} \\ 80 & & \textrm{Method: Type 1} \\ 81 & & \textrm{Method: Type 2} \\ 82 & - & \textrm{Truss/Rod quadrature number} \\ 83 & - & \textrm{Axial loading value} \\ 84 & - & \textrm{Constitutive start indicator} \\ 85 & - & \textrm{Polar angle indicator} \\ \end{array}\)

\(\begin{array}{rll} 86 & - & \textrm{Polar angle coord 1} \\ 87 & - & \textrm{Polar angle coord 2} \\ 88 & - & \textrm{Polar angle coord 3} \\ 89 & - & \textrm{Constitution transient type} \\ 90 & d_{31} & \textrm{Plane stress recovery} \\ 91 & d_{32} & \textrm{Plane stress recovery} \\ 92 & \alpha_3 & \textrm{Plane stress recovery} \\ 93 & \texttt{sref} & \textrm{Shear center type} \\ 94 & y_1 & \textrm{Shear center coordinate} \\ 95 & y_2 & \textrm{Shear center coordinate} \\ 96 & \texttt{lref} & \textrm{Reference vector type} \\ 97 & n_1 & \textrm{Reference vector parameter} \\ 98 & n_2 & \textrm{Reference vector parameter} \\ 99 & n_3 & \textrm{Reference vector parameter} \\ 100 & - & \textrm{Cross section shape type: 1 - rectangles; 2 - tube; 3 - Wide flange;} \\ & & \textrm{4 - Channel; 5 - Angle; 6 - Circle} \\ 101-126 & - & \textrm{Shape data} \\ 127 & - & \textrm{Surface convection} (h) \\ 128 & - & \textrm{Free-stream temperature} (T_{\infty}) \\ 129 & - & \textrm{Reference absolute temperature} \\ 130 & \texttt{nseg} & \textrm{Number of hardening segments} \\ 131-148 & - & \textrm{Segment data sets} e_pY_{iso}H_{kin} \\ 149 & - & \textrm{Total variables on frame section} \\ 150 & - & \textrm{Piezoelectric flag} \\ 151-159 & - & \textrm{Piezoelectric data} \\ 160 & - & \textrm{Initial stress flag} \\ 161-166 & \sigma_{ij} & \textrm{Initial stresses (constant)} \\ 167 & - & \textrm{Tension/compression only indicator} \\ 168 & - & \textrm{Thermal activation indicator} \\ 169 & - & \textrm{Mechanical activation indicator} \\ 170 & - & \textrm{Volume model number (default 1)} \\ 171 & a_1 & \textrm{Fung model energy parameter} \\ 172 & a_2 & \textrm{Fung model energy parameter} \\ 173 & a_3 & \textrm{Fung model energy parameter} \\ 174 & a_4 & \textrm{Fung model energy parameter} \\ 175 & a_5 & \textrm{Fung model energy parameter} \\ 176 & a_6 & \textrm{Fung model energy parameter} \\ 177 & a_7 & \textrm{Fung model energy parameter} \\ 178 & a_8 & \textrm{Fung model energy parameter} \\ 179 & a_9 & \textrm{Fung model energy parameter} \\ 180-181 & - & \textrm{Viscoplastic rate parameters} \\ 182 & - & \textrm{Nodal quadrature parameters} \\ 183 & \beta_m & M_L - M_C \textrm{mass scaling factor} \\ 184 & c & \textrm{Estimate on maximum wave speed} \\ 185 & - & \textrm{Augmentation switch: <on/off>} \\ 186 & - & \textrm{Augmentation explicit indicator} \\ 187 & & \textrm{Implicit = 0; Explicit = 1 element integration} \\ 188 & - & \textrm{Number stress components in rod elements} \\ 189 & - & \textrm{Nurbs and VEM flag} \\ 190-192 & - & \textrm{Nurbs quadrature values/direction} \\ 193 & \texttt{tmat} & \textrm{Thermal material numbers} \\ 194 & \texttt{ietype} & \textrm{Element type} \\ 195 & T - frac & \textrm{Fraction of work to heat} \\ 196 & q - prop & \textrm{Proportional load factor for pressure loading} \\ 197-198 & - & \textrm{Body patch loading values} \\ 199 & - & \textrm{Axisymmetric 1-d: Plane stress in thickness} \\ 200 & \texttt{nsiz} & \textrm{Size of modulus or compliance array} \\ 201-236 & - & \textrm{Anisotropic Modulus or Compliance array} \\ 237 & - & \textrm{Number of element global equations} \texttt{nge} \\ 238 & - & \textrm{Partition of element global equations} \\ 239 & - & \textrm{Unused} \\ 240 & - & \textrm{0 - Element based; 1 - nodal based formulation} \\ 241 & - & \textrm{Number of active element degrees of freedom} \\ 242 & - & \textrm{Plastic Vector orientation indicator} \\ 243-245 & V_1 & \textrm{Three Components of vector} \ V_1 \\ 246-248 & V_2 & \textrm{Three Components of vector} \ V_2 \\ 249-255 & - & \textrm{Reference vector types and values} \\ 260-279 & \texttt{nstv} & \textrm{Number structure vectors/values} \\ 280-282 & g_i & \textrm{Thermal-elastic temperature function} \\ 283 & - & \textrm{Unused} \\ 283-286 & - & \textrm{Delete element data} \\ 287 & - & \textrm{Total energy computation switch} \\ 288 & - & \textrm{Shell thickness change flag} \\ 289 & - & \textrm{Rate switch (on=0,off=1)} \\ 290-293 & - & \textrm{Constitutive equation coordinate frame} \\ 294 & - & \textrm{Rotatory inertia on/off flag} \\ 295-296 & - & \textrm{Body force user parameters} \\ \hline \textrm{Parameter} & \textrm{Name} & \textrm{Description} \\ \hline \end{array}\)